The story Katha Upanished was an allegory in my opinion because it has a meaning to the story. The meaning is that death doesn't like talking about people dying. Also that teenagers should be more like Katha because he was determined to find the answer and did not get bribed by death with all the things that would make many teens happy but all he wanted was the answer to death. The story of Kaths Upanishad is about a boy who wanted to know what happened to people when they died.
In the story there is a boy named Nachikita who wanted to be a sacrifice to the gods since he was the family’s most valued thing to be sacrificed. Soon he goes to go visit death and asks him wat happens when someone dies. The character of death was showed as a person That has the power to grant wishes which are called boons. Death is something that cannot be explained because no one will ever know which religion might have it right if u go to heaven or hell or get resurrected into an animal or another person. No one may ever know what happens when a person dies
Nachikita was a wise teenager that impressed Yama the character that represents death in the story Katha Upanishad. He impressed him by the wisdom he had by not wanting to to get all the things teenagers would want like money, and women and Nachikita denied all that just to find out what happens when a person dies. Nachikitan determination to find ask and find the answer was unlike many teenagers who don’t ask because they are to scared or easy to get off task to ask questions. Nachikita wanted to find out what happened to people when they died so bad that he denied everything that would make him happy for a while and he chose something that would let him be happy by finally knowing the anawer to his question.
The story of Nachikita can be seen as a allegory because of all the things that happen to a teenage boy who goes in search of an asset and does not give up until he finds the answer. Also it shows that death is not known and many religions may think they might know they might be right they might be wrong but no one will ever know what happens until they actually die but there is no way of saying because the person might need to resurrect from the dead and then say what they felt when he/she felt when they died. The fact that there is no way of knowing is great way to try to get an answer and Nachikita asked Yama so that showed that Nachikita would go all the way to death itself to find out what death is.
In the story there is a boy named Nachikita who wanted to be a sacrifice to the gods since he was the family’s most valued thing to be sacrificed. Soon he goes to go visit death and asks him wat happens when someone dies. The character of death was showed as a person That has the power to grant wishes which are called boons. Death is something that cannot be explained because no one will ever know which religion might have it right if u go to heaven or hell or get resurrected into an animal or another person. No one may ever know what happens when a person dies
Nachikita was a wise teenager that impressed Yama the character that represents death in the story Katha Upanishad. He impressed him by the wisdom he had by not wanting to to get all the things teenagers would want like money, and women and Nachikita denied all that just to find out what happens when a person dies. Nachikitan determination to find ask and find the answer was unlike many teenagers who don’t ask because they are to scared or easy to get off task to ask questions. Nachikita wanted to find out what happened to people when they died so bad that he denied everything that would make him happy for a while and he chose something that would let him be happy by finally knowing the anawer to his question.
The story of Nachikita can be seen as a allegory because of all the things that happen to a teenage boy who goes in search of an asset and does not give up until he finds the answer. Also it shows that death is not known and many religions may think they might know they might be right they might be wrong but no one will ever know what happens until they actually die but there is no way of saying because the person might need to resurrect from the dead and then say what they felt when he/she felt when they died. The fact that there is no way of knowing is great way to try to get an answer and Nachikita asked Yama so that showed that Nachikita would go all the way to death itself to find out what death is.
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